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Lay's “Do Us A Flavor” Competition

Lay’s believes that nearly everyone has a great flavor idea and was offering $1M to the winner of their “Do Us a Flavor” competition. But they weren’t seeing the number of submissions they wanted. That’s where Big Village stepped in.

Lay’s data revealed that most of their audience was on social and that in previous years, contestants had difficulty thinking of submissions. Our data showed that consumers respond well to new twists on familiar marketing formats, as well as personalized content.

We created a jingle, with a unique twist of talking food, to show contestants how easy it was to submit. We leveraged social listening to join DUAF conversations and create personalized, unique micro-jingles based on consumer social posts, using behavior data to distribute the jingles in real-time.

The impact?

We doubled submissions and garnered 12M+ YouTube views for the Lay’s “Do Us A Flavor” competition in less than 4-weeks using social media and personalized content.